Peace be upon u... Alhmdulillah... Syukur. Today is the examination day. Selanjar 3. Short essay question. Alhmdulillah... I had done my best in this paper. Tawakal. Now, im just try to focus on my next paper instead of trying to think about my own mistake in previous paper. Yesterday was a very stressfull day. Nak catch up everything n make sure everything had been covered for seq. bcause, i can tell that, seq question obeys, "all or none law". When u dont have any idea what the question asked for, it will be difficult. N syukur, dlm stress2 nak hadapi exam smlm, that Mr come n give me a pep talk. :) thnx Mr. I know u've been bz now. But thnx for the thought. :) really... :') n thnxx for offering me nak blnja makan walaupun agak mustahil. Haha. Sya doakan Mr dlimpahi kasih syg dan Rahmat drpd Allah swt n dpertemukan dgn org yg sebaik Mr. Amin...