Hang out with them

yesterday~ unexpected day.. hurm.. hang out with those lil dwarf.. hehehehe... cute ones. my adk2. ddk2 crita2 dgn dorg. hurm... try to be into their character. recall back few years memories at primary school. hurm.. each face, each smile n laugh had making me forgot my stressness n all the problem dat burden me these days. =) im enjoying every each moment with them. thank god , had making me near with them. Feels like im a part of them.
dis is adzhan, he's the head prefect of the school. he came to us so suddenly, n we sit together talking about ghost stories. hehehehehe... pity him had been scary by others. =) left, is azhar.. always laugh, though it is not funny.

dis is shikin, try hard taking her pic, n she's try hard to hid herself behind her 'tudung'. haha


Future politician. guess who?? hehe... Hamizan (josesus). the cute talkative lil ones. adore his style of talking. like im being preach by my father. XD.  dis boy is smart in giving ideas.

Aliff n Kin. hehehehe... naughty boy aliff.

So, being around them, feels like im back to 12 again. physically, i am look like one of them. (shy).

This is today's pic. Tennis people. waiting for their teacher.
wanna hang around with them but just three of them is boring. huhu. so, i went home.

samuel, candid.

candid, dolynn, samuel, savio n jericobell. =)

primary 3 student. just taking pic of them.

Good news, my brother came home... ahhhh... miss him a lot (mohd alfie Sabali). but next week, on 22hb of may, itz time for me to go. far away from this lil island. my hometown dat ill miss a lot. since my childhood, never been far away from my family. so, This is it....

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