Peace be upon u =)
In the name of Allah, The most Gracious, The most merciful.

Today was very very tiring
mybe sbb kerja bgn pagi seawl jam 5
then, finished around 2.30.
then, ptg, im going to the market 
to accompany my mom
bli brg2 for canteen's preparation, 
everyday. same routine, same cycle.

Reach home around 4.30 la.
then, blik2 baru dpt rehat. 
just take a nap kejap ja.
sleep? no no no no.
At night mmg x free jgk.
ive been booked by 
my neighbour's children yang adorable
and enthusiastic to study. =)
FUH! mmg penat ah! 

Alhmdulillah... Ive been spend most
of my time with an beneficial activity.

Mmg menguji kesabaran
Ntah smpai bila laa bleh bertahan -_-

Okeyh, the thing is, 
ptg tad, im going to the clinic
Nama klinik tu
Ong's clinic
Klinik nie mmg klinik yg terfamous lah di Labuan
sbb doc nya yg hebat n bagus 
n dorg kata ubat2 nya pun sgt bagus
apa xnya, Doktor Ong tu mmg graduate in medical specialist
He is chinese, umur around 50+
Study kat overseas (London)
Mmg terbaik ah =)
Tujuan ,to check my thigh joint 
sbb pain kat sna
so, check2 doc kata mybe
ada kecederaan kat muscle

The point is bkn nak ckp psl sakit2 nie
the doc ask me
"what r u doing nw Fatin?"
doc tu mmg dah knal sya la
sbb mmg dari kecik smpai bsar 
tu laa klinik yg kami slalu pgi
then  sya rep " foundation in sc at UiTM PALAM"
Doc: " What are going to do after this? nak jadi apa lpas nie"
Me : " i want to be a doctor "
Doc: "aiyaa! better dont la"
dgn muka yg berkerut
then i was.... ok ok i know 
what u r going to said
'medic is tough, byk oncall, x tido study pun ssh, xda masa for family'

Tap smua tu salah. 
everyone knw tht skrg raaaamaaaaiiii sgt yg nak amik medic
dalam erti kata yg lain
nak jadi doktor

This is what that dc tells me
"Not that i doesnt encourage u to be doc, but u see aaaa.. u know how many doc graduate one year?"
Then, he put his 4 fingers in front of me
me: " 400??"
Doc : "no, 4000 oo... u see, there's so many doc graduate rite? but the posting is limited. goverment has limited the place for the new graduates. sbb goverment pun x cukup duit nak bukak post byk2. Do u knw MMA? Malaysian Medical Association.

I was like 'haaaa????' blur -_-
nak amik med tap xtau, mmg bapak ah.

"MMA skrg had a problem with goverment sbb goverment ada perancangan sndiri 
utk medical field,so, the future for medicine is not good. by the time 2020, that time, which is ur time, and im already retired, that time, medicine is already becoming more more tough. All graduates, even from private med school pun have to work for goverment that time. if u really want to do med, to help ppl, i suggest u do specialist. If that is ur passion just go for it. Study is no problem (mmglah! ko kan pndai -_-) , but, the future for medicine is unexpected. Im the last doc generation yg that time medicine field is very2 senang nak dpt posting. my time is around 1990+ la. Now, graduate saje, u have to wait. If one doc resign, then, u can masuk.  Doktor skrg i tell u, ssh ooo.. My parents, (parent dia doktor woooaaa, mmg Pembawa GENE yg GENIUS doe! -_-) they say, doktor skrg cek pesakit sambil lewa. my parents ada kencing manis the doc doesnt cek for their blood pressure. just tnya 'sakit apa?'tulis2 n decide nak bg ubat apa. My parents are doc, so they knw the diff between doc dulu n skrg. U knw, how many medical school in Malaysia by this time?"

Me: "urmmmmm" (sah2 xtau -_- *malu* )

Doc : " 32, 32 oo... " smbil bg signal tgn.
"32 is a lot u knw. Goverment buka byk sgt medical shcool. MMA argue with goverment. they doesnt agree with goverment's planning for medical field in the future. i think, u shoul read about MMA n follow what happens now n the goverment's planning for medical field in the future to give u a picture what will happen on the future. Now, we lack of radiographer, 400 unemployed, means every clinic o hospital u go, they need radiographer. Even my clinic, oso doesnt have one.  Now, sooo many ppl take medicine, nursing, n pharmacy. even cikgu pun ramai. Dentist was ok if u want to take, but now, everyone want to take it. My daughter pun mau ambil medic xtually, but i say better dont, better take dentistry. its starting. My another daughter taking Medicine, now in Australia, im asking her not to coming back to Malaysia. Better work at overseas.(Bapak pandai generation dorg nie -_-'') its okay if u want medic, if u want to help people, go on. dont stop, but i suggest u take specialist. dun worry, Malaysia ia still lack of brain specialist. HAHAHAHA "

I was like, betapa kecilnya ilmu di dada ini masih
inikah minat?
i am still gonna do research on MMA n CPD.
im still thinking what im going to do for the future.
still medic? InsyaAllah... 
Minat itu masih terbuku di dada
No matter what happen, insyaAllah im ready.
Dr Ong mmg TERBAIK! thank u for open my eyes
x sangka sgt2, nak jmpe doc tujuan utk cek kaki,
tetiba hari nie, jad perbincangan kerjaya pulak =)
ThanXx dr. u r my inspiration.
Xtually, byk lg yg doc tu bgtau.
cuma mls nak taip. hahahaha =p
Ill try my best. kalo ada rezeki buat med, insyaAllah.
"if u want to help people, go on. but if it is about money, better dont"

8 judgement:

fawz@n said...

i agree with him saying "if u want to help people, go on. but if it is about money, better dont." and there are lots of reasons for me agreeing with it.

tapi about what he said on the future of medicine,i don't agree 200%.and the reasons are even lots more =)

tiNtA sAnG PenCinTa.. said...

it may could happen, just like the people here in Egypt. Evan a doctor bwh rumah sy pun tpksa buka cc.. huhu. Thats bcoz so many medical school here. But we have a different condition in Malaysia.. Still not enough, FOR NOW.

May we both will be a doctor soon! =)

Affina Fatin said...

fawzan : Yup. xtually nawaitu is the most important. Bila kita niat kerja nak tolong org, automatically rezeki itu akn dtg dgn sndirnya. insyaAllah. disagree 200%? byknye? yelah, future is unpredictable. n diff ppl hv diff perspective rite?

Ummu : Yup, but u knw, in the future, there will be no more private clinic. all of us, doent hv a chance to open one. since goverment has establish one malaysia clinic. that is the planning. to take over everything.

alexayussida said...

he said the truth..terlalu banyak..sebab tu akk pelik knpa gov keep on sending student here eventhou kitorg kat sini nak dpt tempat tnggal pon ssh coz too many malaysians future doc...they shud do more research..n 1 more bad thing,graduation from malaysia univ hanya bole kerja dekat msia je..yg bole kerja dkt singapore plak grad from ukm n usm tp nak ke kerajaan singapura?dorg pon dah ramai doc..alamatnya mmg kena fight la kalo nk masuk kerja for those yg akan grad dalam jangka masa doc tu ckp..insyaAllah akak pon nk wat specialist..doakan,tak sanggup sia2 kan ilmu mcm tu je..we shud b the best kan :)

alexayussida said...

n u too..jgn give up..kalo betol nk jd doc,aim higher than that ! gud luck dik :)

fawz@n said...

that's the case when u ask just one or two doctors,especially who open their own clinics.
but try asking gov doctors,ketua2 jabatan n pakar2 kat hospital2 kerajaan(HKL contohnya),and even lecturers.then u'll understand why i dont agree even one bit.
try lah.i did,and i understood.

Mr. Swift said...

oh hye. nice to meet you too.
mengetepikan ego untuk follow dan komen. hee. ;p

Affina Fatin said...

alexa yussida : hurm... tu la. xtau la mcm mne future akn dtg. Owh,akak nak smbg specialist? bgus lah tu kak. wish u the best and gud luck kak =) bile blik M'sia?

Fawzan : Hurm... btul la jgk. mybe i cant just listen to just one o two doc. If i get that opportunity ill ask. bkn ape fwzan, doc kat Hospital sni x rmai. nak pgi HKL ntah bile smpai =p haha. Ok, thxx for giving ur opinion. It is very helpful for me to think in different ways n different aspect. =)

Mr. swift : Hahaha. Ok =)