I love you

No matter what you do,
No matter what you said,
No matter what you ask,
Its for the best.
 mum always know.
Let her decide for us. leads us. Give us the strength that has gone...

InsyaAllah there will always the route of success.
Mom, how can I repay u?
Ur prayer, sacrifice, ur Love,
Ill treasure it in my Heart.
May Allah give u prosperity and blessings in the world and hereafter
I Love u. I always do.

2 judgement:

naesyah said...

atin jd bdk baek, bljar rajin2, jg maruah family, mama suda ckup bhagia tu.. :")

Affina Fatin said...

ThnXx babe. =') InsyaAllah. u too bestie.