Bila saya mula membaca

Life begins to become hectic 
as the final xam is just around the corner.
Nway, this week there isnt much thing happens

Bz dgn biology presentation,
n tutorial stuff.
N guess what?
i bought something interesting... =)
content buku ni amat2 best...
dah baca sikit dah..
Publisher adalah : telaga biru
tajuk novel : denyut kasih medik
Penulis: Dr. Farhan Hadi

the book is about a person
who is to become 
a doctor.
This story revolve 
about his career being as HO (housemanship)
We can see his passion, determination, patient, Faith, responsibility
and the most interesting part is 
how he fulfill his responsible as muslim 
whilst there is very lil time n space.

sgt2 suka bc novel mcm ni.
Thx to mardhiyah sbb recomend buku ni.
Cant wait to read this book until the end!

2 judgement:

alexayussida said...

sy pon dh bce nvel ni..bes sgt2:) nk jd mcm die

alexayussida said...

btw,br pasan soklan awk kat komen dah 5 thn kat sini:)