An eye-opening...

Peace be upon u readers,

Alhmdulillah (praised be upon Him).
This week we had started our new block which was musculoskeletal block (MSS).
There's a lot more to be covered than i had expected.
anatomy to be revise, physiology and pathophysiology..but im not going to tell u guys about this sort of study things.

Yesterday, was an eye opening day for me. There was something happening yesterday that makes me ponder how great the doctors responsibilities towards their patient or 'strangers'. Ceritanya macam ni....

Yesterday, at 10am I was having follow up for my teeth because few months ago I had a treatment for my teeth. Since the dental clinic is just in front of the HUSM, so, there had been so many people walk in and out of the hospital area.

As I already in a rush situation because I am late for about 10 min for that appointment, I walk faster and passed by all people there. Suddenly, a voice came from nowhere saying "Adik!".
I stopped my pace and I turned around finding where had the voice came from. I saw a middle-age woman stood near the dental clinic building wearing a nice pink baju kurung with a very anxious expression on her face. Our conversation:

The woman : Adik, mintak maaf, akak nak tanye, kalau nak jumpa pakar telinga macamane?

Me: Oh, akak sye pun tak pasti tapi slalunya orang akan pergi klinik rawatan keluarga dulu. Then, baru refer kat klinik pakar telinga. 

The woman: Ye ke adik? sebab anak akak yang ke-2 tu... (sad expression) dia ade masalah telinga dik. sekarang dia tingkatan 2. semakin hari semakin teruk tahap pendengaran anak akak tu. akak pun x tahu kenapa? cikgu kat sekolah pun dah bagitahu akak haritu, pelajaran dia semakin menurun. satu lagi anak akak tu perempuan, akak risau sangat. Sekarang pun bila bercakap dekat macam akak dgn adik ni, dia tak berapa dgr... sbb tu akak nak jumpa pakar telinga.

Apa yg eye-opening nya?? I bet you all maybe a bit confused?
Firstly, what comes on my mind after our conversation is that, why she chose me amongst people that passing by there to ask for that kind of question since that time Im not wearing my white coat. But maybe it is due to my student card that hanging over my neck she thought that I could have known better than anyone else. (but actually I'm not very sure how the procedure should be)

Secondly, I was thinking that, usually, we are not trusting on a stranger to pour out our problems right?
I realised that at first it was just a simple question... but then, when someone already develop a trust to you, they tend to tell you more... This woman I saw yesterday was a mother who wants the best for her daughter. I saw love in her eyes as well as anxiety... All she want is only her daughter to get better whatever it takes.

Thirdly, I realised that this woman hold a hope towards the doctor to cure her daughter. Yesterday, I felt as if I'm the real doctor with a patient came with her complaint. Unfortunately, I was in a rush and can't help that much. A bit dissapointment... Until today I was reflecting myself, being a doctor is not what everyone was thinking like sitting on a chair with own office room (mcm house), relax and getting paid higher, famous and etc. Actually, we bears a very highload of responsible on our shoulder. Our patient's life is on our hand.
Just one simple mistake will cause longlife suffering... It should be perfect.

At the end of the conversation, I saw a hope on her face. She was going to do what I had tell her. She says 'thank you' several times and nodded her head. How she respect me though im just a medical student who was going to get dental treatment on that ordinary day.

Dear medical student, see how high people's hope in us. Don't make our patient lose that hope in us. Be that 1st hope they had at the very first time seeing us remain until the end. Study hard and smart, be a good doctor and respect our patient. Seek for knowledge and don't give up. Everyone always had that potential to achieve what they dreamt for. So, once u r in this pathway, don't look back. Always move forward.


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